Saturday, January 27, 2007

Installing Intel Vtune

It's so easy to install VTune under Windows. Nothing much to discuss.

It took me 3 days to install VTune under Linux...finally I made it.

We are using Debian, but Vtune depends seriously on Red Hat or SUSE's RPM . so I turn to CentOS. but VTune need kernel source to compile sampling driver. I don't know how to use yum for getting proper source. And failed to use our own build kernel. Can't start the OS...faint.

And Vtune only tested on old Linux kernel/distribution. like Fedora Core 3, it can't recognize the newest Inter Server's hardware (Serials SCSI HD, etc). So I install FC 6. Yes, OS works, and I get source code installed as well. Mmm.. VTune is installing, compiling driver. Ops, but it can't mount the driver to kernel. VTune depends on kernel struct tasklist_lock, which is moved away from kernel FC 6 kernel is 2.6.18...Finally google saved my life. I found someone's solution, change several line of code in vtune, compile it , and it is ON!
although I still can't run collector on the machine, I can use a remote client while the server is running at server mode.

I can use VTune now.
Hurry, the internet connection to US is coming back to normal now.

without the fast connection, Linux user is like out of work. I can't do any update or installation.

Linux is so depending on Server Mirrors.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Tencent is stupid to modify the QQ protocol.

Now most QQ client under Linux can't login.!

Damn, I am using GAIM.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


恕-- 己所不欲,勿施于人